Friday, August 17, 2007

Mixed feelings

Here I sit today, pondering, thinking over a subject I've been discussing with a dear friend. As usual, the topic is preeclampsia, but more specifically the recurrence of it in women like me.........who have it twice, three times, or even more.

Seems like every day there are press releases about new research studies, findings that give new hope for the eventual prevention of (and cure for) preeclampsia. I read a lot of these articles, and it's exciting to know that researchers are making headway in discovering why women get pre-e and what might be done to stop it someday.

Even now, more and more women are finding that their subsequent pregnancies can be healthy and pre-e free, through drug therapies or other evolving treatments. This is wonderful news, and something for which we should all be rejoicing!

However, there are still women like me around........women who had preeclampsia more than once, with no identifiable cause and therefore NO preventative options. Thankfully, my two sons survived, and I know how lucky I am to be able to say that. My husband and I have decided against risking the odds again and trying for more children, so I'll never know if a pre-e free pregnancy is even possible.

Today, I have many friends all over the world who are preeclampsia survivors. Several of them have recently given birth to new babies, at the end of a long, healthy pregnancy. Others are currently pregnant, and understandably worried about a pre-e recurrence but have kept it at bay so far. And naturally, I wish them all the best, and celebrate with them when full term healthy babies arrive.

But I'm left with mixed feelings..........the tremendous excitement for my friends who overcame pre-e, and the lingering hurt, disappointment and loss I feel for myself and for women like me everywhere. In my efforts to promote preeclampsia awareness, I often hear from women who've suffered from pre-e once and are scared to try again. It's wonderful to be able to say "Many women go on to healthy pregnancies" and to try to provide hope and encouragement to them on this scary journey.

But I also sometimes want to say, "Don't forget about me! I tried my hardest, I did everything I knew how, and my body still failed in its pregnancy responsibilities. But it's not my fault!" I usually just stay quiet, though, and cherish what I do have. Maybe someday no woman will ever have to feel this way at all....and that keeps me going. That, and my two precious boys who are my preeclampsia miracles.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Overview of Pre-Eclampsia, Part 2

I finally found part 2 of the Preeclampsia Overview presented by Action on Pre-Eclampsia in the UK. Previously, I had posted part 1 here:

Click twice on the movie to view it.

Monday, August 06, 2007

Announcing the Preeclampsia Survivors Web Site

Hi! I’m Jennifer, one of the Preeclampsia Survivors founders and a two-time preeclampsia survivor. I hope you have had a wonderful summer so far, as my family certainly has.

I have very exciting news to share, and I hope you will be excited about it too:

On Monday, August 6, 2007, we will officially launch our brand NEW website, which you can find at The web site has survivor stories, frequently asked questions about preeclampsia, a link to our blog, and lots of other great information for anyone who would like to learn more about preeclampsia or meet others who have survived it.

We also are launching a brand new forum, and are finishing the process of moving ourselves over to it. The new forum will require you to register again, but it’s easy and we’d love to see you over there. You can read and search the homepage anytime, and then just register to join us in discussions and support in the forum. The new forum’s layout is quite similar to the Proboards site we had before, so you’ll feel right at home and “see” all of your old friends there. Very shortly, the Proboards site will be locked so that it is “read only”. You can look there for an archive of info and old posts, and then come and chat with us at our new home.

We look forward to seeing you on the new site and discussion forum. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at admin{AT}preeclampsiasurvivors{DOT}com. I hope that you and your family enjoy what’s left of your summer.

Jennifer (Jen_miracles)